
1-part cooking show, 1-part story-telling
and 1-part pandemic-dinner party
A Virtual Performance via live stream simulcast on
june 18, 19, 20

The live stream starts at 5:30 pm CT
Proceeds from each ticket purchased for a meal kit will be donated to Ka Ni Kanichihk.

Hazel Venzon, Artistic Director & co-Founder of U 'N I Together productions and Sawa Theatre have created an immersive virtual performance that will cover things like freedom, identity and math - all during the making and sharing of a meal.
Featuring 3 twenty-somethings: Yousef, Suzan and Ameen in 3 separate interactive episodes while they teach you how to cook a Middle Eastern dish from start to finish.
Audiences will create and share in a meal together confirming connection to something larger than themself.

"The future of Arab youth is bright. We could, slowly but surely, become. Become what? That’s not why I’m here. If I had any answers, I’d give them to you before telling you how to cook this dish."

“There is a Kurdish proverb that I grew up hearing and it says that “we have no friends, but the mountains.” Recently over the years I’ve seen friends in those mountains. Ones who believe in the same things that I do: that we all deserve to live freely, and safely, and friends that acknowledge how our differences should be celebrated, and that we move mountains only when we are united.”

“If somebody asks you who are you, what will you tell them? Will you tell them about your name, age, and, maybe, religion? Will you tell them about your funny side? Or will you tell them something you think they want to hear? In my case, I can say a lot of things. I can say I am Ameen, I can say I am a Syrian, I could tell them I came here three years ago, or I can tell them what they expect to hear from me."

A Virtual Performance via live stream simulcast on
june 18, 19, 20
The live stream starts at 5:30 pm CT

20 meal kit available
HOW IT WORKS: You will need any device to enter the ZOOM room. You will be viewed by a wider audience as you participate in the performance.
The participant will receive a cooking kit at their doorstep at least 30 mins before showtime. The kit will include every food item, measured and portioned for them to complete the dish from start to finish. Inside the kit, they will find a recipe card listing the household supplies required for the dish and the instructions on how to make the dish. They will have 30 minutes to gather the cooking supplies listed on the recipe card and log into the ZOOM room.
Viewers at home will be watching the participants and the cook create the meal together via YouTube, Twitch or Facebook Live. By the end, they will share a meal that you’ve made together, virtually.

(unlimited space)
HOW 2 WORKS: You will need any device to watch YouTube, Twitch or Facebook Live.
On the day of the performance, the viewers will receive a link to watch the performance from a bird's eye view, watching the audience actively make their dish alongside the cook. This audience will sit back and take it all in - the stories, the buzz, the dinner party.
3. D.I.Y.
(do it yourself)
HOW 3 WORKS: You will need any device to watch YouTube, Twitch or Facebook Live.
If keen to join, but couldn’t get a HANDS-ON ticket, this option is for them! 5 days before the performance, the recipe and a recipe card for each episode will be available at UNITPROD.CA/MENU. A note about where ingredients can be found around town will be on the website. On the day of the performance, they will link to the performance and then follow along with the others via YouTube, Facebook, or Twitch. They’ll be adding to the buzz and getting an immersive theatrical experience. By the end, they will share a meal that you’ve made together, virtually.

*It’s strongly advised that those participating should read the recipe at least twice in advance!

EMBRACE was generously supported by

EMBRACE received production funding from the Manitoba Arts Council through Sarasvati Productions.